
How to Plan and Reach Your Goals in 2023!

Ready to make 2023 the best year ever? Find out how to plan your goals, so they stick!

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It’s Time to Set a New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep

If you are like most people, you have a set of New Year’s resolutions and dreams that you hope to achieve in 2023. However, while it can be exciting to set goals, achieving them can feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you have a bunch of kids running around. (We are currently going through a sleep regression at my house, so I GET it!)

But it can be done, and I am here to help! 2022 was a big year for me–I wrote and published a book, started a blog, and grew my writing business. See how I planned out my goals and managed to get (almost) everything done! 

[Need More Planning Help? Check Out my Mini Monthly Goal Planner Today!]

Part 1- Choosing Your Goal

The first step to reaching your goals in 2023 is choosing the RIGHT goal for your life. You need to identify a goal that feels realistic, will improve your life,  and sparks your passion. See how to identify the right goal for 2023.

1-Identify the ONE or TWO Goals to Accomplish This Year

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you want to achieve in the new year. When you choose one or two goals, it’s easier to stay focused and cross the finish line. 

2-Choose Something That You Are Passionate About

Your goal can be anything from getting out of debt to starting a new business. No matter what goal you choose, make sure it is something that speaks to your heart so you can stay motivated when times get rough.  

3-Envision How Your Life Will Improve 

How do you know you have chosen the right goal for 2023? One of the best ways to stay motivated is to visualize how much better your life will be when you accomplish it. For example, growing my blog will allow me to generate more passive income, so I can work less and spend more time with my family! 

4-Choose a Realistic Goal

How does your goal make you feel when you think about it? If it feels like a challenge, that’s ok, but if it feels overwhelming, it might not be the right goal for you. It’s ok to scale back a bit. 

Part 2- Planning Is Everything

When it comes to reaching your dreams, planning is everything. One of the reasons that most people don’t reach their goals is they fail to or don’t know how to plan for success. I struggled with this for a long time before I figured out a system that worked for me. Here is how I do it.

5-Make a Monthly Plan

I take a few minutes on the first of each month to plan my goals to make sure I make some progress (even if it’s not as much as I like.) For each of my annual goals, I choose one monthly goal that will bring me closer to the big picture. For example, last year, one of my monthly goals was setting up a blog. Don’t plan the whole year at once–just choose one goal for each of the next few months!

6-Choose Actionable Daily Steps 

One of the most important parts of reaching your goals is to choose actionable steps that you can easily achieve that will help you to reach your monthly goal. For example, if you want to publish a book, choose a certain amount of words to write each day this month. It can be 100 words, or 1000-whatever feels comfortable for you. 

7-Think About How Much Time You Have Each Day 

Time is another major obstacle, especially for busy parents. It’s ok if you only have 10 minutes a day–just make sure it is a set amount of time that you can stick to and make sure that your daily actionable steps will fit into that time period. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by achieving little wins each day. 

8-Plan to Get Derailed

Do you feel like something always comes up when trying to reach your goals? That’s because it does! Trying to get out of debt? You’re sure to get a flat tire. Want to write ten minutes a day? It’s funny how your toddler decides to stop napping on day 1. While you can’t plan for these distractions, you can build a bit of time or money into your schedule or budget so you can still reach your goals and stick to your plan. 

Part 3- Staying Motivated

The final part of reaching your goals is staying motivated enough to follow through. This can be challenging especially when you face setbacks, or things get tough. That is why it is essential to develop strategies to stay motivated throughout the year. 

9-Remain Consistent

Habits are a powerful thing and can make it easier to reach your goals. When you do something each day, it becomes second nature. Plus, achieving smaller goals has a snowball effect that will encourage you to keep going. 

10-Reassess Your Progress Each Month

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things still don’t go as planned. In fact, they almost never do, and that’s ok. Take a few minutes each month to reflect on the progress you’ve made and decide if your goals are still something you can manage. It’s always ok to scale back a little as long as you keep moving forward. 

11-Get an Accountability Partner

Sometimes all you need is a little push from someone supportive. Identify the one person in life who always believes in you and tell them what you are doing. It can help to have someone in your corner rooting for you. 

12-Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude

Make sure to take time and reflect on how far you have come, pause when you are feeling overwhelmed, and celebrate little wins. Even if you just take five minutes a day to pause and clear your mind, it can really help you stay focused. But don’t overthink it! It can and should be something small and quick, so it makes you feel more confident about your goals, not like another burden. I start every morning writing out a short to-do list, which helps me feel more in control and focused.

Bonus Tip-The Real Secret to Success

Want to know a secret? When it comes to setting your goals, the most important thing is to just get started! Don’t worry about choosing the right day of the week. If you don’t start on Jan.1, don’t wait until February 1! Take the first step today, no matter how small. Pull out your notebook NOW and start planning. 

Need a quick and easy place to keep track of your goals? Check out my Mini Monthly Goal Planner today!